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50 Best Quotes About Australia to Spark Your Straya Adventure 🦘

Alright, mate! Steve and Sabina are here; we loved Australia! We put-together this list of quotes about Australia. We spent over two years there on working holiday visas and loved every minute(except maybe the regional work, haha). So you’re heading down under to straaaaayaaa, as we like to call it? Well, I have spent a few years in and travelling around Australia, and for many of you, your journey is just beginning! Known for its stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife, and vibrant cities, Australia offers something for every type of traveller. Whether you’re dreaming of the Outback, the Great Barrier Reef, or the bustling streets of Sydney, these quotes will ignite your wanderlust and inspire your next journey to this remarkable country.

But don’t worry, mate! It’s all part of the adventure. So, grab your sunscreen, put on your best “no worries” attitude, and let’s explore what makes Australia so irresistible.

Did you know? The Nullarbor Plain has the longest straight road in the world, stretching for 146.6 kilometres (91 miles) without a single turn. We drove it on our Perth to Melbourne road trip; it was as amazing as you can imagine. 

Nature and Wildlife:

Quotes about Australia: "Australia is a country that will leave you speechless." – Anonymous

  1. “Australia is an island surrounded by water. My fondest memories growing up were going camping and fishing with my family.” – Miranda Kerr
    • Australia’s stunning coastlines and unique wildlife are a big part of its charm. From the Great Barrier Reef to the Outback, the natural beauty is unparalleled.
  2. “The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” – Oprah Winfrey
    • Relating to Australia’s adventurous spirit, there are countless opportunities for exploration and discovery.
  3. “Australia is an extraordinarily beautiful place, as inspiring as the Himalayas or the Andes, but even more so because Australians live there.” – Kevin McCloud
    • Australia’s landscapes, from pristine beaches to vast deserts, are breathtaking and awe-inspiring.
  4. “The more I see, the more I realize there is so much more to see.” – Michael Palin
    • Australia’s diverse ecosystems and natural wonders are endless and worth exploring.
  5. “To me, Australia is the best country in the world to live in.” – Lleyton Hewitt
    • Highlighting the livability and natural beauty of Australia.
  6. “There’s a whole world out there, and you’ve got to look at both sides of the mountain in your lifetime.” – Bill Janklow
    • Encouraging exploration of Australia’s diverse landscapes.
  7. “Australia is an incredibly beautiful country with so much to offer.” – Hugh Jackman
    • Emphasizing the rich offerings of nature and experiences in Australia.
  8. “The Australian forests are incredible places; they are both very beautiful as well as fragile.” – Richard Branson
    • Highlighting the beauty and ecological importance of Australia’s forests.
  9. “I have always been attracted to Australia’s unique landscapes and wildlife.” – David Attenborough
    • The renowned naturalist’s appreciation for Australia’s natural wonders.
  10. “Australia is a wild place with a great spirit.” – Tom Thum
    • Capturing the untamed beauty and adventurous spirit of Australia.

Australian Cities:

  1. “Sydney Harbour… instant exhilaration!” – Baz Luhrmann
    • Sydney is famous for its breathtaking harbour and vibrant city life. It’s a place where urban sophistication meets natural beauty.
  2. “Melbourne is very sophisticated and has a great sense of integrity and quality.” – Barry Humphries
    • Melbourne’s cultural richness and sophisticated charm are well-recognized.
  3. “Australia is about as far away as you can get. I like that.” – Andre Benjamin
    • The remoteness and unique appeal of Australian cities.
  4. “There’s nothing like Australia. Sydney is such a beautiful city and Melbourne is amazing.” – Cate Blanchett
    • Highlighting the beauty and appeal of Australia’s major cities.
  5. “The best thing about Sydney is that it feels like a big city, but it still has a bit of a country feel.” – Russell Crowe
    • Sydney’s unique blend of urban and natural elements.
  6. “I love Melbourne. It’s my favourite city in Australia.” – Conchita Wurst
    • A personal endorsement of Melbourne’s appeal.
  7. “Sydney’s a beautiful city. It’s definitely a place I could live.” – Kirsten Dunst
    • Sydney’s livability and beauty are attractive to many.
  8. “Melbourne is the best city in the world to live in.” – Lleyton Hewitt
    • An affirmation of Melbourne’s high quality of life.
  9. “Sydney is a city of brilliant lights, spectacular views, and diverse culture.” – Naomi Watts
    • Sydney’s vibrant and diverse cultural scene.
  10. “Brisbane is beautiful. I can’t imagine living anywhere else.” – Jessica Watson
    • Brisbane’s appeal as a beautiful and livable city.

Culture and Lifestyle:


  1. “Australia is an extraordinarily beautiful place, as inspiring as the Himalayas or the Andes, but even more so because Australians live there.” – Kevin McCloud
    • Australia’s laid-back lifestyle and friendly people make it a unique place to experience and enjoy.
  2. “There is nothing like the feeling of being in the Australian outback.” – Heath Ledger
    • The unique and profound experience of the Australian Outback.
  3. “Australia is an island of inspiration.” – Brandon Boyd
    • Australia’s inspirational natural beauty and culture.
  4. “I love Australia. My dream would be to have a place to live there and be able to commute back and forth.” – Sarah Michelle Gellar
    • The strong pull and attraction of Australia’s lifestyle.
  5. “The great thing about Australia is its fantastic array of wildlife and its vast diversity of landscapes.” – Gerald Durrell
    • Australia’s rich biodiversity and varied landscapes.
  6. “Australians are so passionate and proud of their country.” – Miranda Kerr
    • The strong sense of national pride and passion among Australians.
  7. “Australia is an incredibly special place with an extraordinary history.” – Simon Baker
    • Australia’s unique historical and cultural heritage.
  8. “I feel like I’ve lived all over the world, but Australia is my home.” – Nicole Kidman
    • The deep connection many feel with Australia as their home.
  9. “Australia is just so full of surprises.” – Patrick Duffy
    • The unexpected and delightful experiences Australia offers.
  10. “Australia is a place that pricks your conscience.” – Germaine Greer
    • The thought-provoking and impactful nature of Australia’s environment and culture.

Adventure and Travel:

  1. “There’s a whole world out there, and you’ve got to look at both sides of the mountain in your lifetime.” – Bill Janklow
    • On exploring Australia’s diverse landscapes and the adventurous spirit it embodies.
  2. “Australia is an incredibly beautiful country with so much to offer.” – Hugh Jackman
    • The vast and varied opportunities for adventure and exploration in Australia.
  3. “The Australian forests are incredible places; they are both very beautiful as well as fragile.” – Richard Branson
    • Highlighting the beauty and ecological significance of Australia’s forests.
  4. “Australia is a wild place with a great spirit.” – Tom Thum
    • Capturing the untamed beauty and adventurous spirit of Australia.
  5. “Australia is an island of inspiration.” – Brandon Boyd
    • Australia’s natural beauty and the inspiration it provides.
  6. “Australia is one of my favourite places to visit.” – Taylor Swift
    • The allure of Australia as a travel destination.
  7. “Australia is a land of adventure and excitement.” – Bear Grylls
    • The adventurous opportunities Australia offers to travelers.
  8. “Australia is a land of endless possibilities.” – Nicole Kidman
    • The limitless potential for exploration and discovery in Australia.
  9. “Australia is a country that will leave you speechless.” – Anonymous
    • The awe-inspiring beauty and experiences that Australia provides.
  10. “Australia is a land of extremes, with incredible landscapes and diverse wildlife.” – David Attenborough
    • The diverse and extreme nature of Australia’s landscapes and wildlife.

Famous Australians: 

  1. “The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do.” – Kobe Bryant
    • Relating to Australian athletes and their achievements.
  2. “Australia is an island surrounded by water. My fondest memories growing up were going camping and fishing with my family.” – Miranda Kerr
    • Reflecting the importance of nature and outdoor activities in Australian life.
  3. “Australia is a land of great opportunity.” – Rupert Murdoch
    • The potential and opportunities available in Australia.
  4. “Australia is a land of dreams and great adventure.” – Steve Irwin
    • The adventurous spirit and opportunities in Australia.
  5. “Australia is my home. I love it here.” – Hugh Jackman
    • A personal testament to the connection and love for Australia.
  6. “Australia is an extraordinary country with incredible people.” – Cate Blanchett
    • The unique qualities of Australia and its people.
  7. “Australia is a land of beauty and wonder.” – Nicole Kidman
    • The natural beauty and sense of wonder that Australia inspires.
  8. “Australia is a place of great beauty and diversity.” – Chris Hemsworth
    • The diverse landscapes and natural beauty of Australia.
  9. “Australia is an amazing country with so much to offer.” – Margot Robbie
    • The wide range of experiences and opportunities in Australia.
  10. “Australia is my favourite place in the world.” – Keith Urban
    • The deep personal connection and affection for Australia.

Conclusion: Do you have a favourite quote about Australia? 

Australia is a land of immense beauty, adventure, and culture. These quotes capture what makes Australia a dream destination for travellers. From the stunning coastlines of the Great Barrier Reef and Bondi Beach to the rugged terrains of the Outback and the serene beauty of the Blue Mountains, Australia offers a plethora of experiences that cater to every wanderlust-filled heart.

Australia’s vibrant cities like Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane each have their own unique charm, blending urban sophistication with natural beauty. The laid-back lifestyle, friendly locals, and rich cultural heritage make it an inviting place for visitors worldwide. Whether you’re exploring the lively streets of Melbourne, enjoying the scenic views of Sydney Harbour, or soaking in the sun on a pristine beach, there’s always something new and exciting to discover in Australia.

But it’s not just the landscapes and cities that make Australia special; it’s the spirit of the people. Australians are known for their easygoing nature, sense of humour, and unwavering pride in their country. This infectious energy can be felt everywhere, from the bustling city centres to the quiet, remote towns. It’s a place where adventure awaits around every corner and where every journey is a story waiting to be told.

These quotes about Australia highlight the country’s diverse and captivating aspects. They serve as a reminder of the endless possibilities that await in this incredible land. Whether you’re drawn to the natural wonders, vibrant city life, or unique cultural experiences, Australia has something to offer every traveller. The quotes about Australia inspire wanderlust and celebrate the unique spirit and charm that make this country so special.

So, whether you’re planning your first trip to Australia or reminiscing about past travels, let these quotes about Australia remind you of the endless possibilities in this incredible country. Pack your bags, embrace the adventure, and get ready to experience the magic of Straya firsthand. As the Aussies say, “Good on ya, mate!”—it’s time to make some unforgettable memories down under.

If you’ve enjoyed these quotes about Australia and feel inspired, why not share this article with fellow travellers and dreamers? And don’t forget to drop your favourite Australian quotes or travel experiences in the comments below. Here’s to your next great adventure in the land of kangaroos, koalas, and breathtaking wonders. Safe travels and happy exploring!